Saturday, February 20, 2010

"I'll Come Back As Soon As I Can With As Much As I Can..."

I'll come back as soon as I can with as much as I can. In the meantime, you've got to hold."
General MacArthur - Speaking to General Wainwright - March 1942

Gentle Readers?

Many's the words and quotes that have changed the course of history,
enamoring and influencing millions.
That being said,...we're full-tilt, hard bent, torches flaring and
forging onward to visit,
and compile right here...
just those words!

 Enjoin us as we
unforgettable quotes
from the remarkable 1930s and 1940s?
And, Soon?

Whilst you await?
Do enjoy
an enticing interlude from the Kiss Waltz Whistle
all paired with an example of stunning artistry
from the world of The Pin Up Girls...

In our hearts, forevah...
 the most ubiquitous...
"Oh, You Adorable Lug!"

Hubba, Hubba!